Saturday, August 15, 2015


school has started again...
one of my classes is photography, and these pictures are apart of my first assignment. Enjoy!

Friday, January 16, 2015

Getting Started


Okay so I know I am not that good, but that is the get better. I will continue to post, so that you can track my progress. Let me know what you think ;)


Tuesday, January 13, 2015


So I got this amazing camera for Christmas and I am so excited to get stated on taking pictures and learning all about that stuff. well anyway I just wanted to share this picture that I took over the weekend...I know its not really professional looking, but I am getting better :) Have a great week!

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Best of Pinterest

Okay so I am just a little lot bit obsessed with this thing called pinterest. I spend way too much time on there planning out outfits, weddings, and finding hilarious jokes. Today I complied a few of my favorite things from pinterest, both jokes and reasonable stuff. So enjoy :)

First and foremost I love the winter style of pinterest 

Then there are those jokes, that just basically sum up your life.
Then there are those pictures that just describe happiness...
Well that is it for today, but make sure whatever you it with a smile :)

Sunday, October 5, 2014

conference crafts

As some of you may know, conference can be a little long to just sit in front of the TV and watch. So when there is a craft available...yes!
I got the idea from a pinterest link :) enjoy!



Saturday, October 4, 2014

Cultural Celebration

So I know that this happened quite a while ago, but I didn't have this blog at that point, so I just wanted to share a few thoughts. The cultural celebration was the most amazing experience that I have had so far in my life. We were able to work hard and gain a great reward and experience that we will always remember. The practice day the week before started off great. In the morning everyone was excited and was doing great. Eventually with all the dust from the fields in the air, the allergies of a lot of the kids started acting up. after discussing the leaders decided to send us home. Lets just say the week between the practice and the real deal, there were many prayers asking for the dust to go away. We showed up the next week and there was a different feel. once you entered the field, you could literally feel the faith of the youth. There was NO dust. When it was time to actually rained. It rained and rained and rained. I don't have a picture of it, but many parents who had driven past that day saw how there were clouds everywhere...everywhere except for the fields we were in and the temple. It was a huge testimony builder, because if it had started raining even 1 hour earlier, it would have been a disaster. I know that everything happened just the way it was suppose to.

All the hard work ended with the best reward...
getting to hear the words of our prophet


As some may know, today and tomorrow is General Conference. (If you would like to know more about that check it out on ) I love that no matter where we live in the world, if we choose to do so we can listen to the voice of our prophets. The quote below describes how most people feel. In the world today, there are few sources in which we can actually trust and for sure know that they are true, however one source that I am one hundred percent sure is true is the revelation that comes from our prophets. We are so lucky that we are able to just turn on a phone, TV, or radio and listen to God through our prophets.